Monday, May 13, 2013

blue eyes.

I've been trying not to post, because I've been having a rough month. I definitely don't want it to seem like I do nothing but complain, though ranting does make me feel a lot better. I haven't received my At&t bill yet, but I hope that I could be successful in disputing the extra charges. In the theme of unexpected charges this month, I got a UTI for the first time in years, and I had to go to the doctor for antibiotics. I have high deductible insurance, so essentially I'll be paying out of pocket for it. I'm assuming my bill will be around $500. I'm going to offer to pay them in cash to see if I could get a discount. I've read online that they could offer you anywhere up to 50% off for doing that. I'm not too hopeful I'll get 50% off, but any discount will help. Yet again, that's coming directly out of my savings. Depending on the actual bill, this has prompted me to address this cavity I've had for a few months. I've never had a root canal, and I don't want this to turn into one because I'm being cheap and stubborn. I'll really regret the cost of that, versus what it costs as a cavity. Health is always more important than money. On the plus side, I received a letter that I was awarded $1,400 in financial aid from some student council fund for people that don't qualify for other types of aid. It'll be $700 for fall and $700 for spring semester. This is such good news, because anything will help me, and I feel like that should at least cover my book costs.

My other woe has been my appearance lately. I've created a list of small things to do that will make me feel better. I have so many residual spots from breaking out, that even when my face is clear, it doesn't look like it. It's because I'm so pale right now. When it gets nicer out, I'm going to try to take 15-20 minute walks during the day mid-week to supplement the limited sun I could get on the weekends. There will be plenty of beach days in my future, even if I go alone. I'm getting my hair dyed on Saturday, and I'm going to get some sort of bangs. I think I'll get longer ones, I just need something to frame my face. I also need to work on these dark under eye circles that appeared in the last few months. My plan is to make sure I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, and treat my eyes with green tea and cucumber. You drink the green tea, save the bags, chill them, and put them on your eyes for 15 mins. I'll follow that up with cucumber slices. I'll see if that helps at all in the next few weeks.

 Anyhow, May has been rough, but I think June will be amazing. I have a bunch of fun plans for this summer with my friends. I just took a spontaneous road trip to Milwaukee with one on Saturday. We went out to lunch and stopped at a record store. I bought a Soft Cell record because it was only $5, and it made me happy.