Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I've been eating healthy for the past few years, but I'm really trying to get the full picture on what my body needs now. I want everything I eat to have a purpose.
I started making smoothies for breakfast that incorporate everything I've wanted to add to my diet, but didn't have a place for.
Berries, bananas, matcha green tea powder, ground flaxseed, yogurt, soy milk, cinnamon (just a little, read it's really bad for your kidneys), turmeric, almond butter, and whey protein.

For drinks I have my pot of morning coffee (studies are suggesting it might help prevent skin cancer, but who knows. I take all those studies with a grain of salt... sea salt. mmm), tea all day at work, and then as much water as I can drink before I feel like I might explode.

For lunch I have a salad, usually from Trdaer Joe's. I like the premade ones because it's cheaper than buying all the components and enough to actually have variety. This way I get a bunch of different veggies and proteins. My absolute favorite is a kale and slaw one that has cauliflower in it, and cauliflower is supposed to be incredibly good for you, yet it's difficult to really incorporate into anything healthy I'd want to eat frequently.

For a snack I've been buying trail mix.

Dinner has been my on-going experiment in "cooking". Most of the things I eat require just putting raw ingredients together, etc. I want to focus on soy, healhty fats, and protein. I've been eating cereal with soy milk, guacamole (tomatoes and avocado, yessss), brown rice with raw egg mixed in. I want to eat more beans and meat, so I'm going to try a healthy chili recipe soon.

Dessert is always dark chocolate.

In addition to this, I've been working out every day for a little bit, and stretching. This has put me in such a wonderful mental place. I feel wonderful.

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